Малка смотла с хубаво име. Пише си разни неща, които нямат нищо общо едно с друго и е доволна от това. Обича филми, книги и невероятни актьори. Ще стане режисьорка. Ще стане!
I know it is kinda weird to study in First Language School in Varna where the people study German or English and to love French and France so damn much but yeah this is me.. the weirdest person in this world. Since I was in the 4th grade I just can't stop thinking about how much I adore France. The language is the most amazing thing I have ever heard..the people look awesome, the nature is so pretty and the food is so damn tasty ♡ I had a few chances to start learning French but yeah you know..parents..old teachers who want "the best for you". I missed these chances and now I am stuck with German. But that won't stop me at all.. As you already know I am going to be a movie director and one of my most favourite animated movies in the entire world is Un Monstre à Paris. That thing you see is the trailer :3. This movie inspired me to learn french just because it is so simple but so lovely.. adorable and heartbreaking. I have no damn idea is it possible to be inlove with a flea but oh-my-god AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO ADORES FRANCOEUR? So yeah.. I am not french and I'll never be but the blood of France is in my veins.
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